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Author: Nancy Cavey > Articles posted by Nancy Cavey (Page 5)

What Every Type One Diabetic Needs To Know About Their Disability Insurance Policy

Diabetes is a disabling condition that has terrible complications, including heart disease, stroke blindness, chronic kidney disease, amputation, and even death. This disease and or condition is something we see when dealing with long term disability insurance carriers in disability claims. What about type one diabetes? There are many complications with type one diabetes that disability insurance carriers simply don’t understand. These complications include the following: - 57% have eye problems - 13% have kidney disease - 60% have nerve damage - 50% have cardiovascular disease. I have found that Long term disability carriers simply don’t understand the complications of a type one diabetes claim. If you...

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What Every Long Term Disability Policy Holder Ulcerative Colitis Needs To Know About Getting Their Disability Benefits

Ulcerative Colitis Long Term Disability Insurance Claims Attorney

Ulcerative colitis long term disability insurance claims: is an inflammation and ulceration of the large intestine which causes thickening and scarring of the colon. Your colon cannot properly deal with the excess fluid from your feces and as a result, you may have abscesses around the anus, colon rupture or even develop cancer. If your doctor has told you to stop working and apply for long term disability benefits as a result of ulcerative colitis you should make sure that there is objective evidence of the diagnosis in your medical records this includes: Documentation of recurrent body stools and repeated examinations Persistent...

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What Every Long Term Disability Policy Holder With Bone Cancer Needs To Know Immediately

bone cancer long term disability insurance policy claims

Over 2,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with bone cancer every year, which begins in your bones. Unfortunately, it can spread easily and result in disability. When it comes to diseases like this, we are here to help. What do I need to know if I suffer from Bone Cancer? It is important that your physician diagnose the objective basis of the diagnosis of bone cancer. You should also make sure that your medical records explain your pain, location of your pain, intensity and frequency of your pain, unintended weight loss, fever, chills, night sweats, fatigue, and even fractures. These symptoms will...

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Why Your Residual Functional Capacity Form Completed By Your Physician is The Key To Getting Your Benefits

Residual Functional Capacity Form Social Security Claims

The Social Security Administration does not award benefits based on a disability diagnosis. Rather, the Social Security Administration will determine: whether you can return to the lightest job you've held in the 15 years before you became disabled, and whether there is other work you can do in view of your age, education, transferable skills, and residual functional capacity.   The Social Security Administration will never tell you about Residual Functional Capacity forms! At Cavey Law, we determine the right Residual Functional Capacity form or forms to be given to your doctor. These forms give your doctor the opportunity to describe your ability...

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If You Don’t File A Social Security Disability Claim Because Of A Back Fusion, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

Back Fusion Social Security Disability Claims Lawyer

Back pain as a result of a herniated disc can be disabling. While some will recover without surgical intervention, it’s not uncommon for those who have significant back problems to undergo back surgery for a herniated disc or even for a fusion. The herniated disc can cause nerve root compression or there might be instability of the spine as a result of degenerative disc disease a fusion can fix these problems. What Will The Social Security Administration Want To See In My Back Fusion Claim? The Social Security Administration is going to want to see diagnostic studies that confirm an arthritic condition, spinal stenosis,...

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How Disability Carriers Like United of Omaha Use Pre-Existing Condition Clauses To Wrongfully Deny Disability Applicants Their Benefits

United of Omaha Use Pre-Existing Condition Clauses Disability Claims

Christian Hornland hurt his back in a slip and fall accident that fractured his thoracic spine. He had pain management treatment and rehabilitation that allowed him to work. He subsequently became employed as a real estate manager for Thortons and was offered and accepted a long term disability policy through United of Omaha. A few months after he became a real estate agent, Hornland began experiencing back pain and spasms because his job required him to stand 15-20 hours per week. Several months later, he experienced an onset of sharp stabbing pain in his mid-back. He returned to his doctor and got...

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What Is The Social Security “Blue Book of Impairments”?

Social Security Blue Book of Impairments

The Social Security Administration (SSA) takes a system based approach in determining an applicant's entitlement to Social Security Disability benefits at Step 3 of the 5 Step Sequential Evaluation. You remember the body systems? When you studied biology you learned about the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, the orthopedic system and other body systems. The SSA created the Blue Book of Listings based on this body system approach. As a result, there is a whole Listing for cardiological impairments, digestive impairments, reproductive impairments, psychiatric impairments, neurological impairments, endocrinological impairments, and rheumatological impairments. If you name it, there's probably a listing for it,...

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Determining Whether You Should File For Your Long Term Disability Benefits Due To Your Diabetes Or It’s Complications

Long Term Disability Benefits Diabetes Complications File

Over 1 in 10 Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. Diabetes can cause nerve damage which, in turn, causes tingling and numbness in feet and hands. It can even cause problems with your vision. Worse yet, diabetes can lead to kidney disease or cardiac disease. The complications of diabetes can be devastating! What You Should Do If Your Doctor Told You To Stop Working From Diabetes If your physician has told you that it's time to stop working before you make any move, it's time for...

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How the Social Security Administration Cheats Disabled Americans

Social Security Administration Cheats Disabled Americans

Unfortunately, the waiting time to get a hearing for Social Security Disability benefits is over two years and that delay might be deliberated! Since 2010 the United States Congress has squeezed the Social Security Administration's operating budget. There's been an 11% cut. That doesn't sound like much but the reality is: - the agency has closed 65 of its field offices, - there have been staff reductions, - there has been a quin-tripling for the hold times for telephone assistants and - a significant increase in backlog in claims processing. How The Republicans Have Made Social Security A Political Issue Republican legislators aligned with conservative think tanks...

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What Every Social Security Disability Applicant Needs To Know About The Transferability of Skills

Transferability of Skills Social Security Disability

The Social Security disability claims process is confusing and discouraging. Many people think they're entitled to Social Security disability benefits simply because their doctors told them they can't work anymore. Not true! The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a 5 Step Sequential Evaluation to determine whether you are entitled to benefits. You have to meet every one of these steps. One of the most confusing steps is Step 5, the SSA must determine whether or not you have any transferable skills from any work that you have previously done that would allow you to perform a new job or learn a...

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