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Author: Nancy Cavey > Articles posted by Nancy Cavey (Page 112)

US Census Bureau Report About Disability Among Americans

According to the US Census bureau report “Americans with disability in 2005”, 18.7% of the countries population had some level of disability. You should consider purchasing a private long term disability policy. Make sure to consider the following: A short elimination period will allow you to quickly receive benefits. The policy that provides the cost of living adjustments if you are disabled over a long period of time. A long term disability policy that does not have any reductions for the receipt of Social Security Disability benefits. Nancy Cavey, long term disability policy expert, has written Robbed of Your Peace of Mind a book that...

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Representing SunLife Insurance Company Policy Holders and Claims Denied Cases

SunLife Insurance Company of Canada is a member of the SunLife Financial group of companies that began operating in the United States in 1985. It has over 300 employees at offices in Rosalie Hills and Boston, Massachusetts. SunLife disability has sales offices throughout the United States and provides financial solutions to businesses as well as individuals including disability insurance. Sun Life Financial is a diversified international financial services organization focused on providing financial solutions to businesses as well as individuals throughout their lifetimes. Sun Life also offers disability insurance. As a nationwide disability insurance attorney, Nancy Cavey, often receives calls or inquiries...

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Disability Awareness Month

May is Disability Awareness Month. Short and Long Term Disability benefits play a role in helping protect employees from financial disaster. However, employees should understand the elements of Short or Long Term Disability benefits before they agree to payroll deduction. Every Short or Long Term Disability policy holder needs to research the policy being offered by their employer and make sure that they understand the terms of the policy. You can be robbed of your peace of mind if you purchase a short or Long Term Disability benefit plan without fully understanding what’s covered, what’s excluded and what benefits you might...

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Voluntarily Resigning Your Job May Jeopardize Your Rights to Compensation Benefits

If you are a Florida first responder who has compensable industrial injury or losing in your wages before maximum procurement, you may be entitled to what is called temp or partial benefits. However, if your employer offers you a light duty job and you walk away from it, you may not be entitled to temp or partial benefits, a voluntary resignation doesn’t alone support a denial after resignation. The issue is going to be whether your refusal of employment was justifiable. If you are a first responder who has been offered a light duty job and don’t think it is with...

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The Dirty Little Secret About Taxable Costs in Workers’ Compensation Cases

In 2003, one of the most significant changes to the workers’ compensations statute, allows employer/carrier’s to file a claim for costs if the employer/carrier prevails in a workers’ compensation claim. In Orange County vs. Nue, (45 Florida Law Weekly d1431 (June 25, 2010)) fire fighter Nue was sued by Orange County Fire and Rescue asking for costs after he lost his workers’ compensation case. The Judge of Compensation Claims entered and order tax and costs in the amount of $2,594.99 against him and when he failed to pay the costs, Orange County filed what’s called a Petition for Rulinisi under...

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Long Term Disability Denials Based On Vocational Opinions

Long Term Disability carriers routinely use vocational rehabilitation counselors to review disability claims to determine whether or not you can do your former work or any work in the national economy. Unfortunately, vocational rehabilitation counselors hired by the Long Term Disability carriers make a number of mistakes. First, they will use the Residual Functional Capacity forms completed by the carrier’s doctors, which will most likely say that you can do at least sedentary work. The vocational rehabilitation counselor will rarely consider the opinion of your doctor about your abilities. Secondly, they will determine that you have certain transferable skills based on...

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Berkshire Life Insurance Policies and the Term “Occupation”

If you have a Berkshire Life Insurance disability policy, take a close look at it. Does it define the definition of occupation? Does the term occupation refer to only the job that you held at the time you became disabled? Does it mean the inability to engage in your own occupation at the time of your disabling condition? Or should be interpreted to include any work requiring similar skills or producing a similar endpoint? This very issue was raised in the case of Berkshire Life Insurance Company v. Bruce Adelberg (698 Southern 2nd 282) in a private disability policy claim which...

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Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Florida Social Security Disability Claims

If you have complex regional pain syndrome (CPRS), your claim for Social Security disability benefits might have been denied for lack of objective evidence of your disability. A groundbreaking study by scientists at Northwestern University School of Medicine has found scientific evidence that chronic pain from complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) causes a re-wiring of the brain. The changes "in the brain take place in a network of tiny, white cables, that dispatch messages between the white matter in your brain." Your chronic pain can actually cause the brain to shrink in size. If your claim for Social Security disability benefits as...

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