Secret Tip for Winning Your Social Security Disability Claim | St. Petersburg/Tampa Bay Area
To be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits, you have to have medical evidence....
Continue readingTo be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits, you have to have medical evidence....
Continue readingCIGNA Corporation is the result of a 1982 merger between The Insurance Company of North America (INA) and Connecticut General. After the merger, the company refocused its product lines to position itself as a unified provider of managed healthcare by selling its individual insurance products division and withdrawing from the personal property/casualty business to focus on small and midsized commercial clients in the United States. In 1990, the company acquired EQUICOR (now AXA Equitable Life Insurance). Unfortunately, Long Term Disability carriers target certain disability claims or claimants for disability termination. It is not uncommon for disability insurance companies to actively target...
Continue readingThe Harford Group which was number one in group disability sales in 2005 also sells business overhead planned protection for business owners who suffer disability and can’t work. Business overhead coverage reimburses actual business expenses such as office rent, utilities and employees salaries. It is not uncommon for business owners or professionals to have both disability income benefits and disability business overhead insurance. The Hartford has launched a campaign to give American workers information to protect their income by giving out “thousands of reusable shopping bags,” that contain this information. Hartford has begun its “second annual food for thought campaign,”...
Continue readingOften Social Security applicants who have been denied call us asking whether it would go better for them if they had an attorney....
Continue readingIn the recent case of Alexander vs. Hartford Life: An Accident Insurance Company, the United States Court Appeals for the 5th Circuit, dealt with Hartford policy that provided that a person was “disabled” if “he or she is prevented from performing one or more the Essential Duties of Your Occupation.” The Hartford policy “your occupation” as “your occupation as is recognized in the general workplace, bracket, not the specific job that you are performing for a specific employer at the specific location.” The policy also defined “Essential Duty” as a duty that is...
Continue readingSeven Common Mistakes When Filing for SSDI...
Continue readingING offers short term and long-term disability benefits through ReliaStar Life Insurance Company of New York. ING employee benefits describes their approach through disability income insurance as "emphasizing a collaboration among our claims specialists and rehabilitation experts, health care profession and employer and employee for a timely return to work." This is disability insurance code language for ING putting their heads together with their claims specialists, their doctors and their vocational rehabilitation counselors in an effort to deny your Long Term Disability benefits on the basis that you are capable of working. More information about this can be found at...
Continue readingI am a student of American history and one of my heroes is Abraham Lincoln. The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company was named at the suggestion of Perry Randall, a Fort Wayne attorney and entrepreneur, who suggested that the name “Lincoln” would powerfully convey a spirit of integrity as embodied by Abraham Lincoln. In fact, in August of 2005 Robert Todd Lincoln provided a photograph of his father for the companies stationary and advertising. Lincoln National’s president hired Dr. Lewis Warren, a Lincoln scholar, in 1928 and subsequently they acquired one the largest collections of books about Abraham Lincoln in the...
Continue readingMassachusetts Mutual Life (Mass Mutual) is owned by Mass Mutual Financial Group, which was founded in 1851. Mass Mutual sells many insurance products including disability income insurance. In 1996 it merged with Connecticut Mutual and acquired various commercial, finance and investment services. Mass Mutual Financial Group has created a disability insurance guide for individuals and families entitled “Disabled? Me? Never!” Mass Mutual Financial group knows that if you couldn’t work, you are and your family would have difficulty in meeting its financial obligations including paying your mortgage, car payment, utilities, education and living expenses. They provide a worksheet to help...
Continue readingDo you believe that you have been denied on the basis of a selective medical review? It isn't uncommon for the MetLife administrator to "cherry pick" medical evidence to support their claim's denial to avoid addressing all of the components of important evidence and end your case. If that's happened to you take heart. In Kinser v. Plans Abnin. Committee of Citigroup, Inc., 488f.supp.2d1369 (1383) (N.D.GA. 2007), MetLife's decision to deny benefits under self funded plan. This held by the court to be arbitrary and capricious when it relied on a selective review...
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