How do I apply for Social Security Disability in Florida?
There are four ways to file your Initial Claim for Social Security Disability Benefits.
Visit Your Local Social Security Office
You can call 1-800-772-1213 to find the Social Security Office closest to your home and schedule an appointment to complete the Initial Application there. You can bring a family member or friend to help you fill out the application. Be sure to bring all the documentation discussed below in, “What Information Do I Need to File a Claim.”
Apply Online
You can apply for benefits at by clicking on “select below to apply for” and click on “disability benefits.” You can stop and start the application process. The application can be confusing. Contact us if you have problems.
Schedule a Phone Interview or Application
You can apply by calling 1-800-772-1213 and ask to schedule a phone interview with your local Social Security office. Your local representative will call you at the appointed time and help you complete the application.
Hire a Social Security Disability Attorney
The claims process is complicated. You’ll be asked to provide the names and addresses of all the medical providers you have seen, decide which medical conditions are the basis of your claim, and provide a detailed work history for the 15 years before you became disabled. You also will have to complete a “Disability Application” and a “Disability Report.” It is easy to make a mistake, and the local office won’t take the time to make sure your application is perfect.
The initial application process can be confusing and overwhelming. Schedule a free, no-obligation visit with Ms. Cavey to find out if you are entitled to Social Security and have all your questions answered.
If you hire Ms. Cavey to help you file your Initial Application she will charge you either an hourly fee or a contingency fee paid out of your back benefits. Either way, the Social Security Administration must approve Ms. Cavey’s fee. If the Administrative Law Judge denies your claim for Social Security benefits, you won’t owe Ms. Cavey any fee.