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Author: Nancy Cavey > Articles posted by Nancy Cavey (Page 64)

Vocational Mistakes Long Term Disability Carriers Use to Deny Your Long Term Disability Benefits/ Sarasota Long Term Disability Benefit Lawyer Nancy Cavey

Long Term Disability carriers will routinely use a vocational assessment to determine your residual functional capacity and the skills, interests, aptitudes you have so that they can determine whether you are capable of going back to your past work or other work available in the national economy. One of the many errors that Long Term Disability carrier’s vocational evaluators will use is to cherry pick your doctor’s report about your physical and mental impairments. They will pick out those restrictions and limitations which indicate that you are capable of sedentary work. They will also fail to consider important medical or...

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UNUM Paul Revere Long Term Disability Policy Denials – Shifting the Burden Of Claims Investigation

The Ninth Circuit in Hangarter v. Provident Life An Accident Insurance Company, 373f.3d998, 1014 (9th Circuit 2004) entered a skating decision summarizing the extensive evidence that had been developed in a jury trial that resulted in the punitive verdict of over $10 million against UNUM Provident and Paul Revere based on a claims handling. It was confirmed during this case that UNUM Provident and Paul Revere had a practice of shifting the burden of “claim’s investigation to the insured.” A Long Term Disability carrier should be conducting a reasonable investigation of all the relevant information in a Long Term...

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UNUM and Paul Revere Use Targets and Goals For Claim’s Denial/ UNUM Provident Paul Revere Long Term Disability Denied Attorney

UNUM Provident and Paul Revere have been found guilty of setting targets and goals for claim’s terminations to include the profitability of UNUM and Paul Revere without respect to whether or not that Long Term Disability policy holder is rightfully due their benefits. In the case of Hangarter v. Provident Life An Accident Insurance Company, 373f.3d998, 1014 (9th Circuit 2004) and more recently in the case Merick v. Paul Revere Life and UNUM Provident, 2008 US District Lexis 106976 (November 17, 2008), both companies have been found guilty of: 1. Establishing targets and goals to terminate Long Term Disability claims. ...

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Long Term Disability Carrier’s Letters to Your Treating Physicians

Despite the fact that that your doctor has written a brilliant letter supporting your claim for disability, the carriers just can’t leave well enough alone, they want to change your doctor’s opinion by having a conversation with the doctor or having them write supplementary reports. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for Long Term Disability carriers to hire a peer review doctor to have a conversation with your doctor ostensibly to “clarify” as a peer. More often then not their peer review doctor will miss-state what your treating physician had to say and then a letter will be sent to your doctor...

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Doctor’s Paid to Help Long Term Disability Carriers with Their Claim’s Denials

The Long Term Disability insurance company has an army of doctors to write disability reports saying that you are capable of working at least a sedentary position and these opinions carry more weight in court than even the opinion of a treating physician. Long Term Disability peer review doctors aren’t required to see you. They simply review the medical records sent to them by the Long Term Disability insurance company and render an opinion about your level of physical functioning. If the peer review doctor, who can be paid millions over years, writes that you are capable of at least working in...

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Long Term Disability and the Receipt of Social Security Benefits

If you’ve purchased your Long Term Disability policy through your employer you will most likely find: 1. Any Social Security Disability benefits received will be subtracted from your Long Term Disability benefits and, 2. You have you “repay” the Long Term Disability carrier any lump sum that you’ve received for past-due Social Security Disability benefits. How does this work? Let’s say that you have applied for and received Long Term Disability benefits in the amount of $2500 per month....

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Disability Policies and the Term “Occupation”

Let me give you an example, pull out your disability policy and take a close look at it. Does it define “occupation”? Does the “occupation” refer to only the job you held at the time your disabled? Does it mean the “inability to engage in your occupation” at the time of your disabling condition? Or should it be interpreted to include any work requiring similar skills or producing a similar end point? This very issue was raised in the case of Berkshire Life Insurance Co vs. Bruce Adelberg, in a private disability policy which was heard by the Supreme Court of...

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Common Myths: What the long term disability companies don’t want you to know about your disability claim.

Long-term disability carriers spend a lot of money advertising on the TV. I am sure you have seen advertisements for Liberty Mutual, The Hartford, CIGNA, and other carriers claiming how they will be there for you in your time of need when you are unable to work. These insurance companies have used the media to spread several myths about disability insurance coverage. Why? To collect your premium! Long Term Disability carriers are in the business of collecting premiums not paying benefits. If you've been denied a claim, contact our Liberty Mutual disability claims lawyer today. Then, in your time of need,...

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Newsletter: Ending Carrier Harassment

Are you tired of getting calls from the long term disability carrier asking you all sorts of questions about your medical care, what you do around the house, when you think you’ll be able to work? Have the neighbors told you that an investigator has come around asking questions or have you seen strange vehicle in the neighborhood following you? It’s time that you understand your rights! With one call to Cavey and Barrett you can schedule an appointment and set you self free of threatening letters to you, free of threatening, harassing letters to your doctors, free of fear of...

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Don’t Delay, Call to Action!

If you are having financial problems because you are not getting the disability benefits you deserve, don’t delay in getting professional help. With long term disability claims, the more you wait the worse it can get. The long term disability carrier stalls, asks you for more information, harasses your doctors all the while you are in pain, unable to work and have bills piling up. Another month of waiting, another month of going further into debt while waiting for the long term disability carrier to make a decision. Why live another month under the gun? Take action! Call now and find...

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