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Author: Nancy Cavey > Articles posted by Nancy Cavey (Page 14)

Can I Collect Unemployment Benefits And Supplemental Security Income Benefits?

While you can collect Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, any Unemployment benefits you receive count as unearned income which will reduce the amount of your SSI benefits. Supplemental Security Income Benefits Questions? Applying for SSI and need some guidance? Contact Supplemental Security Income lawyer Nancy Cavey today for a complimentary, no obligation consultation at 727-894-3188 to help you with any questions you may have. We are here to help you with your situation if you are in need....

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What Is “Disability” For The Purposes Of Collecting First Responder Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

first responder workers compensation benefits

If you’re a First Responder, Section 112.18 of the Florida Statutes provides that any condition or impairment caused by tuberculosis, heart disease or hypertension resulting in total or partial disability or death is presumed accidental and be suffered in the line of duty, unless contrary evidence is shown by competent substantial evidence. Of course, you’ll have to successfully pass the physical examination upon entering into employment which did not reveal any evidence of any such condition for the presumption to be applicable. You are also required to show that you were disabled and restricted from working before you’re entitled to compensation or...

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Ovarian Cancer And Your Rights To Long Term Disability Benefits

Ovarian Cancer long term disability attorney

More than 20,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year and over 15,000 women die annually from the disease. If diagnosed and treated early when cancer is confined to the ovary, the five-year survival rate is over 90 percent. Ovarian cancer is a disease in which malignant or cancerous cells develop in your ovaries. There are many types of cancers and tumors that can form in the ovaries. Some are benign, or non cancerous, which can be treated surgically. Unfortunately, others are malignant or cancerous and the treatment options and outcome would depend on the type...

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Dementia And Your Rights To Social Security Disability Benefits

Dementia social security disability

Dementia is a broad term used to describe different brain disorders that can affect memory, thinking, behavior and emotion. One of the most common causes of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease but there are other causes including vascular disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and fronto-temporal dementia. Early symptoms of dementia can include memory loss, difficulty performing familiar tasks, problems with language and changes in personality. Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits and Dementia The Social Security Administration doesn’t always make it easy for those with Dementia to get the Social Security Disability benefits they deserve. It’s important that your medical records document the memory...

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What Every Prostate Cancer Sufferer Needs To Know About Social Security Disability Benefits

prostate cancer social security disability

Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the prostate and is normally a slow growing tumor. However, once the prostate cancer spreads, it is dangerous and aggressive and can reach your bones, lymph nodes and lungs. Symptoms of Prostate Cancer Unfortunately, during the early stages of prostate cancer there are no symptoms and that’s why annual prostate cancer testing is critically important. Serious prostate symptoms can include: • Pain in the genital and pelvic area; • Blood in the urine or seamen; • Frequent urinary tract infections; • Unexpected weight loss; • Pain in the lower back or pelvic area; • Anemia; and • Fatigue. Many of the...

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What You Need To Know About The Appeals Council If Your Social Security Disability Claim Is Denied

social security disability appeals council

If your Social Security Disability claim is denied by the Administrative Law Judge you have a difficult decision to make. The Social Security Administration will give you 30 days to appeal to the Appeals Council or file a new Social Security Disability claim asking for benefits from the date of the Administrative Law Judge’s denial forward. By filing a new claim for Social Security Disability benefits you give up the back benefits from the time of your initial application until the time of the Administrative Law Judge’s decision. That can be a significant amount of Social Security benefits. On the...

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Can I Work And Still Receive Social Security Disability Benefits?

work while on social security disability benefits

Maybe! It is possible to work part-time and not lose your Social Security Disability benefits but the answer depends on how much you earn and what kind of disability benefits you are receiving. If you’re receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and go to work, your SSI benefits will be reduced by $1.00 for every $2.00 you earn after the first $65.00 or ($85.00) if you have no other income. That means that you could earn so much working part-time but your SSI benefits would stop. Social Security Disability Benefits and Working (SSD) If you’re receiving Social Security Disability benefits and your earnings are...

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NOSSCR Commentary Article About SSDI Misconceptions

In a recent commentary article by NOSSCR, found here: shows some misconceptions that the media may put out about SSDI. What are your thoughts about the article and the real truth behind it? Do you need help with your SSDI or have a question? SSDI Attorney Nancy Cavey has been practicing disability law for over 30 years. Give us a call today 727-894-3188....

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Stomach Cancer And Your Rights To Long Term Disability Benefits

stomach cancer long term disability attorney

Did you know that stomach cancer is the 4th most common cancer worldwide and the 2nd leading causes of cancer deaths in the world? More than 10,000 American suffer from stomach cancer and 1 in every 114 men and women are at risk of this deadly disease! However, if you are diagnosed with stomach cancer, you should immediately apply for long term disability benefits. Stomach cancer signs and symptoms Early stage stomach cancer rarely causes symptoms and, as a result, detection is difficult. However, signs and symptoms of stomach cancer can include: 1. Indigestion, heartburn or ulcer-type symptoms; 2. Difficulty swallowing; 3. Abdominal pain or vague discomfort...

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Group Health Insurance Benefits For Those On Long Term Disability Insurance

group health insurance long term disability attorney

When you became disabled you, unfortunately, most likely lost your job and your group insurance benefits. The lack of health insurance can have a devastating impact on your medical and financial future. Websites for help with insurance Did you know that there are a number of websites that can help you find an affordable insurance program? These include the following: • The official site for the Health Insurance Marketplace (a.k.a. Obamacare); • A new site from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to help consumers learn about credits and subsidies for health insurance; • Solid information on both Medicare and the Health Insurance...

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