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Social Security Disability (SSD) > Social Security Disability (SSD) (Page 7)

Social Security Ruling on Fibromyalgia

Those diagnosed with fibromyalgia had a difficult battle proving that they are entitled to Social Security Disability benefits because of the lack of objective medical findings. Over the years the Social Security Administration’s position has evolved and in 1999, SSA issued Social Security ruling (SSR (99-2p)) that provided that claimants with fibromyalgia could be evaluated under the criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome. Despite this directive, ALJ has continued to deny claims based on fibromyalgia finding that Social Security Disability applicants were not credible when there was no medical diagnoses or that the claimants occasional daily activities conflicted with their allegations...

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Don’t Destroy Your Social Security Disability Claim By Failing to Accurately Complete the Work History Report

Work history Social Security disability

When you apply for Social Security Disability benefits the Social Security Administration is going to send you a form called the Work History Report form (SSA-3369-BK) Unfortunately, many Social Security Disability applicants don’t do a complete job of filling out the form which can result in the denial of your claim. The Work History Report form is interested in the jobs that you have held in the last 15 years. You need to describe how many hours and days you worked in a typical work week. While completing a work history form you should ask yourself what part of the work that...

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How to File a Request for Reconsideration of Your Denied Social Security Disability Clam?

social security reconsideration request

The Social Security Administration doesn’t make it easy for those who are disabled to get the Social Security Disability benefits that they deserve. You may have received a notice from the Social Security Administration denying your initial application for benefits that includes information on how to appeal a decision. You must appeal the writing within 60 days on the date that you receive the notice. Starting the Appeal. You can begin your appeal in several ways: 1. You can call your local Social Security field office and tell them you want to appeal the decision denying your benefits. They will send you...

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Can My Social Security Disability Claim be Denied Because I Earn Too Much Money?

Yes! The Social Security Administration uses a 5 Step sequential evaluation to determine your entitlement to benefits. Significant Gainful Activity At Step 1, the Social Security Administration determines whether or not you are working and, if so, whether or not that work constitutes “substantial gainful activity” (SGA). In 2013, if you earned more than $1,040 per month, you have earned too much money to be considered disabled. Income from investments does not count towards SGA. This figure is adjusted annually. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) If you are not insured for disability purposes, you can apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) which is a disability...

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Articles Claiming Social Security Disability Program Is Out of Control are Just Flat Wrong

social security disability articles

Have you read articles that attack Social Security Disability as being the “new welfare” or suggest that United States has a “disability insurance complex”? Nothing could be further from the truth. To be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits, you must have worked 20 out of the last 40 quarters, contributing the Social Security Disability Insurance program. A portion of your paycheck has gone into this program to provide benefits to workers who are unable to perform substantial work because of a serious medical condition. While there has been a rise in Federal Social Security Disability rules, there are a number of...

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Does the Social Security Administration have a Listing for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

chronic fatigue syndrome listing

To determine whether or not you are disabled, the Social Security Administration uses a five step sequential evaluation process. To determine whether you are disabled at step three, the Social Security Administration usually considers whether your impairment is severe enough to meet or equal a listing. The Social Security Administration has developed the listing of impairments for most common impairments but, unfortunately, the Social Security Administration has no listing for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. As a result, it cannot be found in the list of conditions at step three of the five step sequential evaluation. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t get...

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Social Security Disability Benefits for Neck and Back Injuries

social security neck back injury attorney

Chronic Pain from neck or back injury can make day to day living difficult. Your doctor may have told you that you can’t go back to work because of the tingling, numbness, reduced range of motion, and chronic pain that you have from your back or neck injury. If your back or neck injury is caused by: • Paralysis, • Herniated Disc, • Degenerative Disc Disease, • Fractured Vertebrae, • Ligament Damage, • Pinched Nerves and Sciatic Pain, • Chronic Debilitating Back and Neck Pain. And your disability is permanent or will keep you from working for twelve months, you may be entitled to Social Security Disability Benefits. The...

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Amending the Social Security Disability On Set Date

social security disability on set date

When you apply for Social Security Disability benefits, one of the most important dates is what is called the on set date. Generally, the correct on set date is based on medical facts. That means if you were involved in an accident, the date of the accident might be the date of the on set if you were disabled and unable to work as of that date. On the other hand, the on set date might be the date that your doctor told you that you were unable to work. Sometimes, the Administrative Law Judge will offer a “deal” at a Social...

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Tamoxifen and Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits

Tamoxifen social security disability

Breast cancer patients take the drug Tamoxifen which can cut your chances of having the disease return. However, there are some side effects of Tamoxifen which can cause neurological side effects including tingling and numbness of your fingers and hands. If you suffer from neurological problems as a result of taking chemotherapy drugs, you may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits.  The Social Security Administration doesn’t always make it easy for those who are disabled to get the Social Security Disability benefits that they deserve as a result of chemotherapy and Tamoxifen that you may be taking as apart of...

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Don’t Let Your Personal Injury Claim Destroy Your Social Security Claim

disability claim for personal injury claim

You may have been injured in an automobile accident or slipped and fell through no fault of your own. Did you know that you have the right to bring what’s called a personal injury claim against the person responsible for your injuries. A personal injury claim is a claim that you bring against the person who caused your injury or the insurance company. However, sometimes the medical evidence that is gathered during your personal injury claim can be harmful and even destroy your Social Security Disability claim. How can that happen? After you recover, your physician is going to be asked...

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