The Two Ways to Submit a Winning Social Security Disability Application
You can apply for Social Security Disability benefits online or at the Social Security Disability office. Regardless of where you apply, there are two secrets to creating a Social Security Disability application.
You should supply complete information about your medical treatment sources including their name and address.
After your Social Security Disability claim is taken at the St. Petersburg Social Security Disability office, it is transferred and assigned to a disability examiner. The job of the examiner is to do:
- Request your medical records.
- Wait for your records to arrive.
- Read and evaluate those records.
- Render a decision on the claim.
You medical records are key to this process. So, if for example you don’t provide the Social Security Administration with a list of all your doctors or medical providers, two things may happen:
You claim can be denied.
Even if the claim is approved, older medical records might show that you were disabled at an earlier date than you claimed. That is important because the earlier the onset, the greater the potential back pay of Social Security Disability benefits.
To create a winning Social Security Disability application you should:
- Give a complete of the facilities that you have been seen.
- List the doctors that you have seen, dates of treatment and the address and phone number for each doctor.
Don’t be one of the 70% of the initial Social Security Disability applicants who’s Social Security Disability claim is denied because they did not supply the Social Security Administration with the current information.
Tampa Bay Social Security Disability attorney, Sharon Barrett, former staff attorney at the Social Security Administration can answer any questions you have about submitting a winning Social Security Disability application. For a no obligation consultation contact Sharon Barrett at 727-894-3188.