The Initial Application for Short Term or Long Term Disability Benefits Can Make or Break Your Case
Completing your initial application without consulting a disability attorney is a setup for failure. You should formulate a plan of attack for winning your long term disability claim before you willy nilly complete an initial disability application with hopes that your carrier will Fedex a disability check to you.
Applications often contain vague questions that are misleading or will bait you into submitting incomplete information. Worse yet, having an irregular disability policy you don’t even know the standard proof you need to establish to show that your disabled as a result of your medical condition.
You will also be asked to have your physician complete an Attending Physicians Statement, or APS form, which will also have vague and misleading questions. As part of the initial disability application process it’s crucial that you discuss with your physician filling out the disability forms and the standard of a disability. You may be surprised that your physician wont fill out the disability agreement form or even support your claim for disability benefits.
Short and long term disability application attorney Nancy Cavey helps place you in the best position to secure your social security disability benefits. By:
1. Reviewing your policy;
2. Reviewing your medical records;
3. Creating a plan of attack and strategy for submitting a winning short and long term disability application;
4. If necessary consulting with your physician and helping them understand how to properly fill out the short or long term disability application;
5. Help you prepare and accurate description of your occupation;
6. Help accurately and fully complete your disability application.
Questions About The Initial Application For Short Term or Long Term Benefits?
If you have questions regarding the initial application for short or long term disability benefits or how to appeal a claim that’s been denied, you should immediately consult with Nancy Cavey. A severe medical condition makes it impossible for you to work, Nancy Cavey can help you cut through the red tape and fight for your benefits no matter where you live in the United States. Contact her today at 727.894.3188.