The Six Type Of Forms That Every Social Security Disability Applicant Must Complete When They Apply For Social Security Disability Benefits
Applying for Social Security Disability benefits is a lot of work. There isn’t any way around it. The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires 6 different types of documentation during the application process. Before you apply for benefits you should gather this information. Better yet, consult with an experienced Social Security Disability attorney like Nancy Cavey who can help you gather the information and complete the forms correctly.
What Is The Documentation Required For Social Security Disability?
1. The Disability Report
SSA asks that you complete a disability report that will provide the SSA with information about your medical condition, the treatment you have received, the physicians and facilities you’ve treated at, your education, work, and training history and the impact your disability has on your ability to perform work. Many mistakes can be made in the disability report about the work history, the physical and cognitive requirements of your work and the impact your symptoms have on your ability to work.
2. Medical and Job Worksheet
The SSA wants to know the names and address of any physicians who have treated you together with medications, diagnostics and the nature of that treatment. If you don’t provide this complete information to the SSA, they won’t be able to completely and fairly consider all of your medical conditions that might result in a disability award.
You’ll also be asked to complete a work history form that has the work that you’ve done for the 15 years prior to your disability application. Claims can be destroyed by inaccurately or incompletely filling out the work history form.
I’ve learned that the best way to fill out the work history form is to think about the job duties that you can’t do because of your physical, psychological and cognitive issues. Make sure that those duties are listed in the work history form.
If your job requires alternating sitting/standing, bilateral use of your hands or you’re required to meet certain production quotas. It is crucial that you discuss that information.
3. Medical Records
You should obtain copies of all your medical records that support your disability. This should include not only your medical records but x-rays, CT scans, MRI’s, lab tests reports. SSA will want to see an objective basis for not only the diagnosis but any restrictions and limitations that you might have. You’ll also supply the SSA with a list of your medications including any side effects of those medications.
SSA will also like for your physicians to fill out a medical source statement. Unfortunately, the SSA rarely tells applicants about this or tells the applicant the right kind of forms to use. At The Law Office of Nancy L. Cavey, we pick the right Residual Functional Capacity form for your doctors to complete. Remember that if you have more than 1 disabling medical condition, you will need to have more than on form filled out.
There’s no doubt that you can improve your chances at getting your Social Security Disability benefits at the application stage by having a Residual Functional Capacity form completed by your physician that supports your claim for disability.
4. Authorization to Disclose Information
The SSA will need you to sign a release that lets them obtain information about your medical condition from your physicians.
5. Other Benefits
The SSA will want to see any award letters, settlement agreements, worker’s compensation decisions you might receive whether it’s related to your Social Security Disability claim or not.
6. Other Documents
The SSA has a laundry list of documents they might want. These include birth certificates, U.S. Military discharge papers if you were in the service prior to 1968, W-2 forms, self-employment tax returns for a year prior to the application and, possibly, even information about your spouse or children.
What Happens If I Don’t Submit These Forms Or Don’t Provide All Of The Information?
Providing the wrong information or even incorrect information can be disastrous! Your application can be delayed or even denied because of your failure to collect the necessary documents, complete documents accurately and get a Residual Functional Capacity form from your physician.
A Social Security Disability applicant shouldn’t go at it alone! You owe it to yourself and your family to consult with an experienced Social Security Disability attorney who can help make sure you have completely and accurately provided the SSA with all of the necessary documentation to get the benefits you deserve!
Call today at 727-894-3188 for your complimentary consultation.