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Long Term Disability > Long Term Disability (Page 3)

Congestive Heart Failure And Your Rights Long Term Disability Benefits

Congestive Heart Failure Long Term Disability Benefits

Long term disability carriers don't always make it easy for those with congestive heart failure to get the long term disability benefits they deserve. What Are The Causes of Congestive Heart Failure? Coronary artery disease, congenital heart defects, poorly treated high blood pressure, prior heart attacks, valvular and pericardial disease and cardiomyopathy can all result in an enlarged heart and congestive heart failure. Regardless of the diagnosis, many long term disability carriers will want to see that your heart failure has continued despite your use of medication. What Does The Long Term Disability Carrier Look For In My Medical Records? Many long term disability...

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How Does A Short or Long Term Disability Policy Holder Find Out About Their Disability Benefits

ERISA plan fiduciary attorney

Did you know that if you purchased a short or long term disability policy through an employer, (other than a government or church employer), the ERISA statute requires that your employer or Union act as a fiduciary? What Are The Duties Of A Fiduciary? Your employer or union must provide information about benefits when you ask for it in writing. In fact, plan administrators, employers or unions who provide benefits, must provide a copy of the plan documents to you if you make a written request for the documents. If they don't provide you with the plan documents, they can be subject to...

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Lupus Symptoms That Every Long Term Disability Carriers Expect To See In A Policy Holder’s Medical Records

Long Term Disability Policy Holder’s Medical Records Lupus

Lupus patients can have a long hard fight to get the long-term disability benefits they deserve. They key to winning long-term disability benefits for Lupus is in your medical records. What Your Medical Records Should Document About Your Lupus Your records should document the following symptoms and how they impact your ability to function: Low-grade fevers which are not attributed to other illnesses, Rashes or lesions particularly before a flare up, Oral ulcers, Enlarged lymph nodes, Chest or muscle pain, Kidney problems, Pulmonary problems, Swollen joints, Gastrointestinal issues, Thyroid issues and Fatigue. How To Document Your Fatigue Fatigue is the most common symptom of...

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What Every Long Term Disability Applicant Needs to Know About Having the Right Medical Support For Their Disability Claim

Right Medical Support Disability Claims LTD

When an injury or sickness prevents you from working, you may be entitled to disability benefits under a long term disability policy. However, before you stop working, you should get out your disability policy and understand: (1) how the policy defines occupation, (2) what type of proof the policy requires. It’s crucial that you understand the claims process before you stop working and apply for long term disability benefits. What Is A Disabling Condition? Most policies define a disabling condition as an injury or sickness that prevents you from doing the material and substantial duties of your occupation. How does your policy define disability condition and...

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Why It’s Crucial That Every Long Term Disability Applicant Pick The Right Date To Be Disabled

Date To Be Disabled Long Term Disability

One of the many challenges in applying for long term disability benefits is to determine the date that you become disabled and the date you should stop working. Before you stop working you should get out your disability policy and consider the following. What is the effective date of your long term disability coverage? If you become disabled before the effective date of your coverage, your long term disability carrier will deny our claim right off the bat on the basis that you’re not qualified for coverage. The Pre-existing Disability Clause Many disability insurance policies will have a pre-existing disability clause that prohibits the...

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Five Things Every Long Term Disability Policy Holder Should Know About Submitting a Notice of Claim

Submitting a Notice of Claim Long Term Disability

Long term disability carriers don’t make it easy for policyholders to get the disability benefits they deserve. Unfortunately, you can make crucial mistakes from the very beginning of your claim including how and when you submit a notice of claim. Before you “give notice” to the disability insurance company, you should do the following: (1) first, determine whether you have a claim, (2) whether your medical records support your claim, and (3) pick the right day to stop working. Only when you have done those things should you, or better yet, your attorney send the disability carrier (4)  your notice that you will be filing a disability...

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How The Date of Termination and The End of Disability Coverage Can Destroy a Long Term Disability Claim

Date of Termination End of Disability Coverage Long Term Disability

In Boothe v. Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators, No. 1:16-cv-0008-DN, 2017 W.L. 2787748 (D. Utah June 27, 2017) the Court found that because the disability coverage ended on November 2, 2012, when the employee's employment was terminated the claim for disability benefits was correctly denied. Termination Means The End Of Coverage Boothe had been injured in a motor vehicle accident and returned to work with accommodations, four-day work week with one day in the office and three days at home. Her employment ended on November 9, 2012, and she completed an application for disability benefits on December 29, 2012. Boothe’s medical records did not...

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Long Term Disability Policyholder With Growth Hormone Deficiency Is Entitled To Disability Benefits

Growth Hormone Deficiency Disability Benefits

Disability policyholder Tracy Morgan filed a claim with Hartford for long term disability benefits claiming she was disabled as of April 8, 2015, on the basis that she was suffering from chronic fatigue from infectious mononucleosis or a “flare-up of Epstein-Barr Virus”. Ultimately, serological studies showed a former infection with no current illness despite Morgan’s continued symptoms of fatigue and inability to concentrate. As a result, she was referred an endocrine evaluation and while that evaluation was being completed, Morgan was restricted to working 4 hours per day. She continued to suffer from chronic fatigue and nausea and ultimately an...

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The Four Differences Between Group Disability Policies and Individual Disability Policies You Shouldn’t Ignore


You may have purchased a disability insurance policy hoping that you would never need to use that policy. Do you know the differences between a group disability policy and an individual disability policy? You owe it to yourself and your family to know the difference before you become disabled so your family can purchase more insurance or different insurance. What You Need To Know About Group Disability Insurance Unfortunately, group disability benefits are typically inferior to an individual disability policy because they provide less in the way of benefits, are limited in coverage and will have offsets for other income such as...

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How Long Term Disability Carriers Use the Mental Nervous Limitation Provisions Against Policy Holders To Limit Benefits

Mental Nervous Limitation Provisions Disability Claims

Many disability policies limit the payment of disability insurance benefits if the policy holder has a psychiatric condition. The key to understanding the Mental Nervous exclusion turns to the language in the policy. Unfortunately, there is no uniform policy language. For example, policies can provide for a: (1) mental illness exclusion based on “caused by or contributed to” language, (2) mental illness exclusion based on a disability based solely on a mental illness. These are completely two different types of mental illness exclusion provisions. The more problematic one is the mental exclusion that uses the “caused by or contributed to” language. Why Is That? For...

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