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Long Term Disability > Long Term Disability (Page 17)

Surveillance and Surprise Visits in Your Long Term Disability Claim

Nancy Cavey, national Long Term Disability denied attorney, has written a free consumer guide on the 23 mistakes that you can make in your field visit or statement. Even after the Long Term Disability carrier starts paying your Long Term Disability benefits they are going to come knocking at your door potentially unannounced. If someone knocks on your door and asks you to verify your signature on documents, asks to come in, or uses any other ruse to get into your house to take a statement, just say no! Insurance companies are going to conduct surveillance and that’s to be expected. However,...

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Estate Planning for the Long Term Disability Claimant

At Cavey and Barrett, we urge our clients who are disabled because of their chronic condition to consider consulting with an estate planning attorney. Why? If you, for example have a chronic illness such as MS, Parkinson’s or even Alzheimer’s, you must have a plan and legal protections in place to protect you. This can include: 1. Designating someone you trust to handle financial matters, if you are unable to manage your own affairs. 2. Selecting someone your trust to make healthcare decisions for you. 3. Communicating your health care wishes...

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What Are the Stages of a Disability Claim? Florida Disability Lawyer

The stages of a disability claim are: 1. Filing the initial claim. 2. Responding to requests for information. 3. Responding to the denial of benefits or lack of response. 4. Managing the continuing claim. 5. Negotiating lump sum settlement. 6. Filing a complaint with the applicable state insurance agency regulating disability company. 7. Filing a lawsuit when necessary. The disability attorneys at Cavey and Barrett are involved in all stages of this process and can assist you with dealing...

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Need a Experienced Long Term Disability Attorney in Tampa?

What: Need a Long Term Disability Attorney in Tampa? If you are in need of an experienced Long Term Disability Attorney in the Tampa Bay area, contact the Law Office of Cavey & Barrett today to help handle your claim. Insurance carriers often try to confuse and will not be on your side in the battle for your disability benefits. The Law Office of Cavey & Barrett handles Long Term Disability claims in Tampa and all of the surrounding areas. Nancy Cavey, a Long Term Disability attorney can help you gain your disability benefits today....

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Dentists Financial Future and Disability Insurance | Dentist Insurance Claim Lawyer

One third of all Americans between the age of 35 and 65 will become disabled for more than ninety days according to the American Council of Life Insurers. Many Long Term Disability Insurance companies offer disability insurance for dentists that can help you meet your financial needs if illness or disability prevents you from working. A disability insurance company is intended to provide 45 to 60 percent of the gross income and dentists do have special Long Term Disability needs. If you become unable to work as a result of an illness or accident, you could suffer dire financial consequences not only for...

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8 Things Every LTD Applicant Should Do Before Filing a Claim for Long Term Disability

Disability insurance companies like to collect premium but fight hard to protect their cash reserves denying claims to protect their cash reserves. This can lead to financial disaster for Long Term Disability policyholders. It is important that you understand the Long Term Disability claims process before you file a claim for Long Term Disability benefits. Disability insurance attorney Nancy Cavey suggests that before you file your Long Term Disability claim that you do the following 8 Things: 1. Find your policy 2. Read the policy and directions for filing your claim. Follow every step in the policy. 3. ...

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Warn Your Friends About Your Disability Claim | Florida LTD Lawyer

What: Warning Your Friends, Neighbors, Co- Workers and Business Partners About Private Investigation of Your Disability Claim When you apply for disability benefits, don’t be surprised if the disability insurance company is going to contact your friends, neighbors, co-workers and even business partners to take a statement. These questions will involve whether you’ve had an prior medical problems, prior legal or professional problems, what you are physically capable of doing, how active you might be, what problems or side effects you have with medication and a myriad of other questions. Your friends, neighbors, co-workers and business partners don’t have to answer...

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Multiple Sclerosis and Your Mobility Problems | Long Term Disability Lawyer

What: Multiple Sclerosis and Your Long Term Disability Claim In MS there are a number of mobility challenges you may experience because of weakness, spasticity and balance problems. Weakness is often accompanied by a stiff and heavy feeling in your legs. This weakness and spasticity in your trunk and legs can reduce your balance. It’s important that your medical records and physical therapy notes document the problems that you are having with weakness, spasticity, and balance problems, as those are important parts of your functionality. The Law Office of Nancy L. Cavey represent clients within Florida with Long Term disability claims involving MS,...

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Long Term Disability Carriers Right to Be Repaid | LTD Lawyer in Florida

Most Long Term Disability policies provide that you must apply for Social Security Disability benefits. While they will pay you your full Long Term Disability benefits while you are waiting for you Social Security decision, they ask to sign a repayment agreement where you agree to repay the Long Term Disability carrier any overpayment that’s owed as a result of them not reducing your Long Term Disability benefits by the anticipated receipt of your Social Security benefits. When you are awarded Social Security Disability benefits you will get what’s called a disability back pay. What is that? It is money owed...

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LTD Disability Claim Denials Based on the Lack of Clear Clinical Information!

What: Claims Denied | Long Term Disability Why: Lack of Clear Information Unfortunately, Nancy Cavey sees many Long Term Disability claims denied based on the medical opinions of hired guns who will make statements like, “the file lacks of clear, sequential, detailed, objective clinical information, which will completely preclude the claimant for an attempt at a return to work.” In a recent case of Saffron v. Wells Fargo & Co. Long Term Disability Plan, 2009 US District Lexis 84152, 12-14 (CD. Cal. September 15, 2009), MetLife was scolded for relying on the medical opinions of Dr. Thomas and Dr. Menadi who strung together,...

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