Little Known Facts About Asthma and Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits

Little Known Facts About Asthma and Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits

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Asthma is a chronic lung disease which causes wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing.

Unfortunately, people with asthma have extra sensitivity to certain substances such as allergens, including dust, mold and pets, exercise, infection and cold air.

Did you know that 34% of the American population suffers from asthma? Medication for asthma is directed at controlling the airway inflammation and your doctor may prescribe inhaled medications that act on your airways, surfaces and muscles. Getting medical care for your asthma is crucial and you should be working closely with your doctor to control your asthma.

If your physician has told you that you are unable to work as a result of asthma, you may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. Social Security Disability Asthma claims happen. Give us a call to talk about your asthma and your disability benefits claim.

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