What every medical professional should look for in a disability insurance policy.

Long Term Disability


What every medical professional should look for in a disability insurance policy.

For medical providers just out of school, buying a disability insurance policy probably ranks last on their list of things to do. After all, you have just finished your training. You’re young and healthy. What are the odds that you’re going to become disabled? You may not think that a broken arm, a problem pregnancy, […]

What every medical professional should look for in a disability insurance policy. Read More »


I don’t need disability insurance. I have it through my employer!

Many people insist that they don’t need disability coverage because they have it through work. However, you should understand that most company issued group disability insurance only provides you with 60 percent of your salary, with a monthly maximum limit of $5,000 to $10,000. That can be less than 60 percent of your salary. These

I don’t need disability insurance. I have it through my employer! Read More »


Total disability and Your Long Term Disability Claim

One of the most crucial definitions in a long-term disability policy is that of total disability. If you have purchased or own an occupation policy and are disabled and can’t perform the principal duties of the job you have, you will be paid long-term disability benefits even if you can do other tasks. For example,

Total disability and Your Long Term Disability Claim Read More »


Long-term disability and coronary artery disease.

Mrs. C, who suffered from hypertension, hyper-lipidemia, COPT, cerebrovascular disease, coronary artery disease, and emphysema, underwent an angiogram that showed a high-grade stenosis for which she had stenting on three occasions and a subsequent venous graft. Her treating physician opined that she was permanently restricted from her job as a vocational rehabilitation counselor and, as

Long-term disability and coronary artery disease. Read More »


Denied Long Term Disability Benefits Because of the Lack of Medical Treatment | Tampa Bay Disability Insurance Lawyer

I am often asked if a long term disability carrier can deny a claim for long term disability benefits because my client can’t afford to get medical treatment? It is not uncommon for a long term disability recipient to lose their health coverage and be unable to obtain medical treatment. On the other hand, there

Denied Long Term Disability Benefits Because of the Lack of Medical Treatment | Tampa Bay Disability Insurance Lawyer Read More »


Has Your Claim for Long Term Disability Benefits Been Denied Because You “Did Not Put Forth Your Best Efforts In Psychological Testing?” | Florida Long Term Disability Lawyer

Long-term disability carriers routinely hire companies such as the Reed Group, to review long-term disability claims. Unfortunately, the Reed Group will use, as a basis for denying claims, an allegation that a psychiatrically disabled person hasn’t put forth their best efforts in neuropsychological testing based on tests of memory validity. The Reed Group will conclude

Has Your Claim for Long Term Disability Benefits Been Denied Because You “Did Not Put Forth Your Best Efforts In Psychological Testing?” | Florida Long Term Disability Lawyer Read More »


What Is ERISA and Why Should I Care if I am a Long Term Disability Applicant? | Florida Long Term Disability Lawyer

If you have a long term disability policy through your employer you may not have the peace of mind you thought you bought. Nancy Cavey, a Florida long term disability lawyer, has written an article about the difference between a long term disability policy you have bought from a disability agent and an ERISA policy

What Is ERISA and Why Should I Care if I am a Long Term Disability Applicant? | Florida Long Term Disability Lawyer Read More »


What Every Medical Professional Needs to Know about Disability Insurance Policies | Medical Professionals Disability Insurance Lawyer

Every medical professional should have a long term disability policy to protect themselves and their family if they became disabled. Do you know the 3 different types of long term policies or the advantages/ disadvantages of each. Nancy Cavey, a long term disability attorney who specializes in helping medical professionals with their disability claims, has

What Every Medical Professional Needs to Know about Disability Insurance Policies | Medical Professionals Disability Insurance Lawyer Read More »


How Difficult is it to Get Long Term Disability Benefits? | Florida Disability Insurance Lawyer

The long term disability insurance company is in the business of collecting premium dollars and not paying out dollars! The long term disability claims process is lenghty and complex. Nancy Cavey, a Florida based long term disability lawyer, has written a consumer’s guide, “Robbed of Your Peace of Mind, to assist you in understanding your

How Difficult is it to Get Long Term Disability Benefits? | Florida Disability Insurance Lawyer Read More »