What Should I Expect When Dealing with the Social Security Administration?

What Should I Expect When Dealing with the Social Security Administration?


The Social Security administration is a huge bureaucracy. It is important that you keep an organized and accurate account of your oral and written communications with the Social Security Administration.

Make a note of the person’s name with whom you spoke and what was said. When you file your claim, get the name and telephone number of the claims representative responsible for your claim in case you have questions later or need to report changes in your claim.

When you submit documents, make sure your name and Social Security number is listed on the top of each page. If the page becomes separated it can be identified and placed in your claims file. You should keep copies of every document you submit to the Social Security Administration. We suggest that you keep a folder with all your information so you have it in one place and will not misplace any important documents that support your claim.

*Click here for a FREE copy of “Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits”

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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