Why Every Long Term Disability Policy Holder Should  Hire Their Own Social Security Disability Attorney To Assist Them In Getting Social Security Disability Benefits

Why Every Long Term Disability Policy Holder Should Hire Their Own Social Security Disability Attorney To Assist Them In Getting Social Security Disability Benefits

Long Term Disability

Most long term disability policies will pay full long term disability benefits, but subtract from those benefits other income benefits, such as Social Security Disability benefits.

hiring a social security lawyer LTD claim

The Games the Representative Company Plays with Long Term Disability

Often, the disability insurance company will recommend that you use a service they endorse to help you get the Social Security Disability benefits. While these companies will claim that they represent you, and not the long term disability carrier, the reality is that often these representative companies develop your social Security claim based on medical conditions that only have a limited payment period under the terms of your disability policy. For example, mental illness is used as the basis of your Social Security Disability claim. Many policies will only pay for 2 years of disability benefits based on the mental nervous limitations of the policy. While the long term disability carrier will tell you that they’ll pay the representative’s fee as an enticement, the reality is that the long term disability insurance company and their recommended referral source is simply not working for you.

What You Should do Today

You should contact a lawyer, like Nancy Cavey, who can help you get both Social Security Disability benefits and long term disability benefits. She’ll help develop the right medical condition so you get the maximum benefits possible. Call today at 727-477-3263.

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