Golden Apple Awards

Golden Apple Awards

The Golden Apple Teacher Award was created by Attorney Nancy L. Cavey as a way to honor teachers who go above and beyond in their classrooms often times digging into their own pockets to make sure students have the school supplies they need.

The program is open to any teacher and school k-12 in Pinellas County. Educators who are working to keep students engaged and success through innovative and creative means despite the lack of resources available to them deserve to be recognized.

The award consists of a $150 visa gift card to be used for needed classroom supplies, a gift certificate and a golden apple pin from the Gold and Diamond Source.

Below you will find this past years winners!

How It Works

  • If you know a teacher that goes above and beyond for their students, nominate them to win. Anyone can nominate a teacher.
  • From August to May our selection committee will review the nominations and select a winner. And we will share their story with the community.
  • Information about the winners and their classrooms will be posted on the Golden Apple Tampa Bay website.
  • Winners will be notified via phone and email. Winners and their guest will attend a year-end banquet in June.