Tamoxifen and Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits

Tamoxifen and Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Breast cancer patients take the drug Tamoxifen which can cut your chances of having the disease return. However, there are some side effects of Tamoxifen which can cause neurological side effects including tingling and numbness of your fingers and hands. If you suffer from neurological problems as a result of taking chemotherapy drugs, you may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits.

The Social Security Administration doesn’t always make it easy for those who are disabled to get the Social Security Disability benefits that they deserve as a result of chemotherapy and Tamoxifen that you may be taking as apart of your treatment regimen.

What To Do About Tamoxifen and Social Security Disability

Contact cancer treatment side effect Social Security Disability attorney Nancy Cavey to learn more about your rights to Social Security Disability benefits. If you suffer from Tamoxifen, we may be able to help you with your claim. Give us a chance to help you today.

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