How Can I Obtain A Copy Of My Disability Documents?

How Can I Obtain A Copy Of My Disability Documents?

Long Term Disability

Your employer should be able to provide you with a copy of the summary plan of description (SPD) which provides you with a description of the benefits that you may be entitled to as a result of disability, the definition of disability and how to make a claim for benefits.

You can also request relevant documents from the plan under a 29CFR Section 2560.503-1(N)(8) if your benefits have been denied. Long term disability carriers are required to provide you with a copy of documents to:

• Rely on in making the benefit determination;
• Submit, proceed or generate in the course of making a benefit determination, regardless of whether relied upon;
• Demonstrates compliance with administrative procedures in making benefit
determinations in accordance with the plan documents; and
• In a case of denied disability benefits, constitutes a statement of policy concerning the denied treatment, regardless of whether relied on in making the benefit determination.

If you’re thinking about applying for disability benefits or your claim has been denied, you should obtain these important documents to learn about your rights.

If you have questions about the disability claims process or your claim is wrongfully denied, long term disability attorney, Nancy Cavey, can help you get the disability benefits you deserve. Call her today at 727-477-3263.

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