Coronary Artery Disease and Stenting

Coronary Artery Disease and Stenting

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Did you know that the common practice of inserting a stent in to narrow artery has “no benefit over the standard medical care in treating of single coronary artery disease” according to a study, summarizing 8 random trials comparing percutaneous intervention and traditional methods of treatment.

In a percutaneous coronary intervention, a surgeon will insert a mesh tube made of metal into an artery that has become barrowed by accumulated plaque. The tube expands to hold the artery open, where the blood flow is restricted.

These stents are filled with medication that help keep the artery open. Despite the wide spread popularity of the procedure, many suggest that prescribing beta blockers, ace inhibitors, statin and daily aspirin were just as effective as stent implantation for the prevention of chest pain, heart attack or future PICI and death.

If your claim for Social Security Disability benefits has been denied and you have undergone stenting for coronary artery disease, you should contact coronary artery disease Social Security Disability attorney Nancy L. Cavey at 727-477-3263 for a complementary consultation to learn more about your rights to benefits.

Resource: New York Times Tuesday, February 28, 2012.

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