Celiac Disease and Your Rights to Long Term Disability Benefits.

Celiac Disease and Your Rights to Long Term Disability Benefits.

Long Term Disability

Celiac Disease is a permanent intolerance to wheat protein and related alcohol soluble proteins (prolamins) found in rye and barley.

Celiac Disease can lead to an autoimmune disease, which can result in inflammation and malabsorption of critical vitamins, minerals and calories and eventually a long term disability.

Signs and Symptoms of Celiac Disease

These signs and symptoms can include:

1.) Diarrhea,

2.) Iron deficiency anemia,

3.) Lactose intolerance,

There are also “non classical” symptoms, like abdominal pain, The key to confirming the diagnosis is a small intestinal biopsy, and your response to a gluten free diet.

Because Celiac Disease is an autoimmune condition, you may have a long term disability permanent intestinal damage, unlike those who are simply allergic to wheat or gluten intolerance.

The long term disability benefits insurance company does not always make it easy for those with Celiac Disease to get Long Term Disability Benefits.

You can learn more about your rights to Long Term Disability if you have Celiac Disease by contacting Tampa Bay Celiac Disease Attorney Nancy Cavey who can help you get the Long Term Disability Benefits you deserve.

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