No. 13 – Will it go easier if you have a Social Security Disability Attorney?

Social Security Disability (SSD)


It’s new and improved. The Social Security home page | Clearwater Social Security Disability Attorney

The Social Security Administration launched a new and improved homepage. The new look is more user-friendly. The page is open and clean. It follows the standard industry design by reducing clutter, improving navigation, and better utilizing graphics.

It’s new and improved. The Social Security home page | Clearwater Social Security Disability Attorney Read More »


How you can help your doctor help you win your Social Security Disability Claim | St. Petersburg Social Security Disability Attorney

Whether or not you get Social Security Disability benefits can come down to what medical evidence is in your file and what that evidence says about your ability or inability to work.

How you can help your doctor help you win your Social Security Disability Claim | St. Petersburg Social Security Disability Attorney Read More »


If the Social Security Administration isn’t going to pay my benefits soon I’m going to lose my house, what should I do? | Tampa Bay Social Security Disability Lawyer

In these desperate economic times, the long wait for a Social Security Disability hearing, can make the difference between eating, getting medical care, or even losing your home. With little money coming in, a lot of people wonder how to pay for rent, utilities, and groceries and wonder whether or not they should get a job.

If the Social Security Administration isn’t going to pay my benefits soon I’m going to lose my house, what should I do? | Tampa Bay Social Security Disability Lawyer Read More »


Mental Consultative Examination and Your Social Security Disability Case | Clearwater Disability Claim Application Lawyer

If the disability examiner or judge notes in your medical records that you are “depressed” or “anxious,” the Social Security Administration may be obligated to send you for a mental consultative examination even if you don’t claim to be depressed or anxious on your application and have never sought treatment.

Mental Consultative Examination and Your Social Security Disability Case | Clearwater Disability Claim Application Lawyer Read More »