Long Term Disability Carrier Tries to Intimidate Treating Physician

Long Term Disability


Long Term Disability Carrier Tries to Intimidate Treating Physician

Unfortunately it is not uncommon for long term disability carriers to try to intimidate your doctor by sending a letter to your treating doctor without a copy to you, telling your doctor that if they don’t agree with the long term disability carriers assessment or comment they will simply adopt the peer review doctors opinion. […]

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The Biggest Mortgage Defaulters are the Rich

In a July 9th, 2010 by David Streitefeld, it was revealed that “the housing bust that began among the working class in remote subdivisions, has quickly spread to the urban, middle class, the striking upper class to privileged enclaves…” The New York Times reviewed cases from the real estate analytical firm Core Logic that shows

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If You Don’t Understand Why Employers Drop Short Term Disability You May Hate Yourself

Because of the lingering recession many employers are dropping short term disability coverage or asking that you pay a part of you disability insurance premium. A vast majority of disabilities last less than one year and that’s why it’s important that you have short term disability insurance to provide disability income protection. While many people

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Long Term Disability Benefits and Lyme Disease

Did you know that Lyme Disease is one of the fastest growing infectious diseases in the United States? Lyme Disease results when an infected tick bites you and the borrelia burgdorferi bacteria are transmitted into your blood stream. This bacteria finds its way through the joints and the connective tissue to the heart, spine, brain

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Doctor’s Paid to Help Long Term Disability Carriers with Their Claim’s Denials

The Long Term Disability insurance company has an army of doctors to write disability reports saying that you are capable of working at least a sedentary position and these opinions carry more weight in court than even the opinion of a treating physician. Long Term Disability peer review doctors aren’t required to see you. They

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Long Term Disability and the Receipt of Social Security Benefits

If you’ve purchased your Long Term Disability policy through your employer you will most likely find: 1. Any Social Security Disability benefits received will be subtracted from your Long Term Disability benefits and, 2. You have you “repay” the Long Term Disability carrier any lump sum that you’ve received for past-due Social Security Disability benefits.

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Disability Policies and the Term “Occupation”

Let me give you an example, pull out your disability policy and take a close look at it. Does it define “occupation”? Does the “occupation” refer to only the job you held at the time your disabled? Does it mean the “inability to engage in your occupation” at the time of your disabling condition? Or

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