How Does ERISA Influence My Retirement Plans in Florida?


Man working with a laptop and putting coins into a glass jar to prepare for retirement. Saving money for retirement.

How Does ERISA Influence My Retirement Plans in Florida?

ERISA is the system of federal laws that govern the health insurance, disability, and pension plans that employers can offer in the US. Since it is federal law, the rules governing plans under ERISA are essentially the same in every state. However, not every plan falls under ERISA, and states can make rules governing some […]

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Disabled Teleworkers Dissed by ERISA Disability Carriers and Plans and the Three Ways to Challenge a Telecommuting Denial

The COVID 19 pandemic normalized telecommuting. That was helpful to many of my  disabled ERISA disability  policyholders because it either allowed them to hide their disability and work around their limitations while keeping their jobs or work at reduced hours within their restrictions and limitations.  What was beneficial at the “own occupation” stage of a

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Does Discrimination And The Disenfranchisement Of Women In The Health Care System Impact An ERISA Disability Insurance Claim?

Does Discrimination and the Disenfranchisement of Women in the Health Care System Impact an ERISA Disability Insurance Claim?

A recent study, “Women’s Experiences of Health-Related Communicative Disenfranchisement,”  published in Health Communication, confirms that many women’s  health concerns are often dismissed by physicians. According to the study, many women’s health concerns are met with disbelief that “discredits, silences and/or stereotypes one’s… experiences.” This is “medical gaslighting.” By “gaslighting,” I mean the tendency to treat

Does Discrimination and the Disenfranchisement of Women in the Health Care System Impact an ERISA Disability Insurance Claim? Read More »


The Ten Mistakes You Can Make That Can Destroy Your ERISA Disability Claim

Short and long-term disability insurance claims are often made because of chronic heart problems. But if you have chronic heart issues and were thinking about leaving work and applying for disability benefits, there are some common problems you should be aware of before you do that. The case of Adams-Runion v. UNUM Life Ins. Co.

The Ten Mistakes You Can Make That Can Destroy Your ERISA Disability Claim Read More »