Your Doctor Tells You to Avoid Stress But Long Term Disability Carrier Denied Your Claim on the Basis that You Can Work: What Should You Do?

Your Doctor Tells You to Avoid Stress But Long Term Disability Carrier Denied Your Claim on the Basis that You Can Work: What Should You Do?

Long Term Disability

In case of Watson v. UNUM Provident, 185.fsupp.2d579 (N.D. 2002), the Long Term Disability claimant had heart disease and had suffered from cardiac arrest. His treating physician said that he was “at risk for sudden death on the job.”

UNUM denied the Long Term Disability benefits and Watson appealed. According to the court “UNUM argument of a objective dispassionate review as the work for the available medical records in source of information that may support his adverse determination and to review more record evidence that might support the continuation of benefits.”

Long Term Disability carriers have to consider stress as a factor and take an objective discretion to review the medical records before wrongfully denying any claim for Long Term Disability benefits.

If you are a Long Term Disability policy holder who suffers from cardiac problems be aware that Long Term Disability carriers, such as UNUM, will shuffle through medical records and seek to deny your benefits without fully considering all of the aspects of your case, including the impact of stress.

Nancy Cavey, Florida based Long Term Disability attorney, can assist you in your cardiac Long Term Disability claim denied case.

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