You’ll Hate Yourself If You Don’t Learn What The Social Security Administration SSA Wants To Know In Your Initial Application

You’ll Hate Yourself If You Don’t Learn What The Social Security Administration SSA Wants To Know In Your Initial Application

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Making the decision to file for Social Security disability benefits is tough. Now that you’ve made that difficult decision, you can apply for benefits online, on the phone or in person. But, before you apply you need to be prepared.

What Are The Four Things The SSA Wants To Know?

There’s no doubt that the initial application process is a pain. However, you should take the time to gather the following information:

(1) A list of all the doctors who treated you for any disabling condition including their address, phone numbers, and date of treatment. The Social Security Administration will request your medical records at their expense. It’s crucial that you give them complete and accurate information so that the SSA can make a decision based on your complete medical records.

(2) If you’ve been seen at the emergency room, been hospitalized for treatment or undergone surgery you should provide the name of the facility, address, phone number, date of treatment and the name of treating doctors.

(3) Make a list of your medications including dosage, how frequently you take it, the name of the prescribing doctor and whether or not you have side effects from the medication.

(4) Make sure you tell the SSA about all of your medical problems. Starting with the number one reason why you can’t work. Work your way through all of your medical conditions. You don’t need to have a specific diagnosis. Make sure that you identify the body part with an explanation as to the symptoms and how those symptoms may limit or impact your ability to work.

For example, let’s say you have fibromyalgia, diabetes and back pain. You’ll want to let the SSA know that fibromyalgia is the number one reason that you can’t work. You’ll want to explain that you’ll have problems with fatigue that causes you to sleep 16-18 hours per day and you’ll wake up feeling as if you’ve never slept. You’ll want to explain that the body aches limit your ability to lift more than 5-10 pounds.

Do this with each of your medical conditions so that the SSA can see that your medical problems impact your ability to work.

What Should I Do If My Disability Application Has Been Denied?

It’s time for you to contact experienced Social Security Disability attorney Nancy L. Cavey who can help you with the Social Security disability application and appeals process. You owe it to yourself and family to get the Social Security Disability benefits you deserve.

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