Working While Collecting Social Security Disability Benefits

Working While Collecting Social Security Disability Benefits


You should be very careful about working when you’re on Social Security Disability benefits. You must report your work activity to the Social Security Administration, and I would suggest that you do it in writing.

Remember that there is a limit to how much you can earn and not lose your Social Security Disability benefits.

Tampa Bay Social Security lawyer, Nancy Cavey, suggests that you make a personal visit to your local Social Security office and notify someone, face to face, that you have returned to work. I would keep a record of that conversation.

If you don’t tell the Social Security Administration, and they find out, they will send you an overpayment letter, asking for money back. You may also be potentially prosecuted for fraud.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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