Why Your Work History Can Make All The Difference In Getting Your Social Security Disability Benefits

Why Your Work History Can Make All The Difference In Getting Your Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Social Security Judges see hundreds of cases each year and hear the same story over and over. When filing a Social Security disability claim it’s crucial that you explain the following:

(1) your work history,

(2) evidence of work attempts.

What’s So Important About Work History?

The Social Security Administration and a Judge is more likely to believe someone who has a long work history. For example, if you have been a teacher for over 20 years and have difficulty as a result of a back injury, the SSA will more likely find that someone with a long work history isn’t likely to stop working unless they have serious medical problems.

How About An Unsuccessful Work Attempt?

It’s not uncommon for someone who applied for Social Security Disability benefits to keep on trying to work. Your attempts at employment whether in your old occupation or even in a different occupation is showing that you are trying to stay employed. If your attempt is unsuccessful it won’t be held against you, it will show that you are motivated to try to work and not file a claim for Social Security Disability benefits.

You can improve your chances of getting disability benefits with a long work history or an unsuccessful work attempt. Don’t let the Social Security Administration wrongfully deny your claim for benefits. Call experienced Social Security disability attorney Nancy Cavey who can help you get the benefits you deserve. Call today at 727-477-3263 for your complimentary consultation.

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