Will the long term disability/ERISA insurance company contact my co-workers, family members, or neighbors?

Will the long term disability/ERISA insurance company contact my co-workers, family members, or neighbors?


Will the long term disability/ERISA insurance company contact my co-workers, family members, or neighbors?

Without a doubt! The disability insurance carrier will start by talking with your employer to get your job description and information about your job performance. They want to see if you stopped working because of problems with your job or ou supervisor.

Next on the list is family members and your neighbors. This can be very problematic. Your family members might say something that unintnetionally hurts your insurance disability claim and your neighbors just might say something intentionally to hurt your claim!

Nancy Cavey will guide you and your family members through the long term disability/ERISA claims process to help you reduce the chances your long term disability claim will be denied.

I have written extensively about preparing for statements and the mistakes to avoid.

Call Tampa Bay disability lawyer Nancy Cavey for a FREE disability/ERISA insurance consultation at 727-477-3263 so you can learn about the disability claims process.

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