Why You Need Legal Representation While You Are Getting Your Monthly Disability Benefits

Why You Need Legal Representation While You Are Getting Your Monthly Disability Benefits

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Having an expert disability attorney represent you while you are getting your monthly disability benefits can be the key to keeping your benefits.  You need representation so you aren’t caught short by the games disability carrier’s play with your disability benefits and your financial security. It is all about control!

You Can Be Denied Anytime For Any Reason

The ugly secret is that disability insurance companies are in the business of collecting premiums to invest and in the business of denying claims so they can keep your money. I call it the “Golden Rule.” The disability carrier collects your gold and then “rules” you aren’t entitled to further benefits. You have been robbed!

Legal Protection From Your Disability Carrier

You need protection and on-going legal representation even when you have been approved for benefits. Disability attorney Nancy Cavey provides that protection:

  1. She is the exclusive point of contact with your carrier. Your disability carrier communicates with her and provides Nancy with any requests for forms or records.
  2. She shelters you from carrier harassment sparing you from the inevitable upset and stress that comes from dealing with a carrier.
  3. She is responsible for making sure that claims forms, Activity of Daily Living forms, medical records, Attending Physician statement forms, financial records and other records requested are accurate, complete and timely provided to your disability carrier.
  4. She runs interference and protects your interests when the carrier wants a statement or an IME.
  5. She makes sure that your claim stays on track and that carrier has everything they need to continue to make payment.

What Your Legal Protection Costs

Peace of mind is priceless! Nancy’s father became disabled when she was a teenager and she knows, first hand, what it is like to deal with a disability insurance carrier every month.

She understands that your disability insurance payments and/or your Social Security disability benefits may be your only source of income. That’s just one of the reasons why clients who hire her for the application process or whose benefits have gotten reinstated continue to have Ms. Cavey represent them throughout their claim. It’s all about peace of mind!

Contact us today if you are interested in having Disability Attorney Nancy L. Cavey provide you with monthly claims handling services.

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