White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney Needs Crash Course In The Facts About Social Security Disability

White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney Needs Crash Course In The Facts About Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability (SSD)

White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney claims that Social Security Disability benefits are “very wasteful” according to an article in the Washington Post. They’re not interested in real facts behind the real increase in the number of American’s collecting Social Security Disability benefits.

He complains that the Social Security Disability programs have grown tremendously under the Obama administration.

What Are The Real Facts About Social Security?

9.3 million Americans were collecting Social Security Disability benefits prior to the election of President Obama. Some 8 years later the Social Security disability rolls have grown to 10.6 million Americans.

However, what Mulvaney doesn’t understand is that these numbers have shifted up and down based on the economy. Also, Baby Boomers are getting older and becoming disabled. The Heritage Foundation and Mulvaney just want you to believe the hype.

Further, Mulvaney’s comment that the Social Security Disability benefits are wasteful reflects the degree of his ignorance. There’s no doubt that the total monthly SS benefit payout is $76.4 billion but guess whose money it is. It’s the Social Security Disability applicants!

Social Security disability is an insurance program and every American worker pays into that program as a result of the withholdings taken from their paychecks. Further, the average monthly benefit is $1,250. It isn’t like Social Security Disability recipients are making out like bandits.

What You Should Do

It’s time for all American’s to let the Mulvaney and Heritage Foundations of the world know that Social Security Disability benefits are not a welfare program, each American worker has the right to.

Don’t let a claim that anybody can get Social Security Disability benefits when Obama was President stand up without challenge. Having represented Social Security Disability applicants for over thirty years, I will tell you that the system is stacked against individuals, especially those who are not represented by an attorney.

If your doctor has told you that you are unable to work or your Social Security Disability benefits have been denied, it’s time for you to contact an experienced Social Security Disability attorney who can help you get the disability benefits you deserve. Don’t let false facts gut the Social Security Disability program.

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