Where Should You Have Your Angioplasty?

Where Should You Have Your Angioplasty?

Long Term Disability

The American Heart Association has conducted a study and has determined that smaller hospitals are just as safe as large ones for elective Angioplasty. An Angioplasty will open up clogged arteries with a balloon or prop them open with mesh like stents.

In the past, many patients have had to travel long distances for Angioplasty or stents. Dr. Thomas Aversano,Where Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins Medical Institute in Baltimore conducted this study that “may bolster programs that offer Angioplasty at community hospitals, some of which only offer the procedure only during emergencies such as heart attacks” (

If you have purchased an individual disability policy, or group disability insurance policy, and have cardiac disease and have undergone an Angioplasty, you may be entitled to long term disability benefits. You can learn more about your rights to long term disability benefits and the claim’s process by ordering your free consumer guide to the long term disability claims process Robbed of Your Peace of Mind, or, if you live in the Tampa Bay area, can contact Angioplasty long term disability attorney Nancy Cavey at 727-477-3263 for a 30 minute complimentary consultation.

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