What Should I Do If My Doctor Refuses to Fill Out the Long Term Disability Insurance Medical forms?

What Should I Do If My Doctor Refuses to Fill Out the Long Term Disability Insurance Medical forms?


Change doctors! Sorry, but your doctor may be the best doctor in the world but if your doctor won’t file out the Long Term disability insurance medical forms, you will most likely NOT get paid your disability benefits.

Before you apply for long term disability/ERISA disability benefits, Nancy Cavey, a long term disability claims lawyer in Florida, suggests you get  a copy of your doctor’s records and see what is in those records about your complaints, your symptoms and your ability to do your job. If those records don’t support your claim you will have a problem with your disability claim.

Make sure that before you stop working your doctor supports your inability to work and make sure that he is willing to put that in writing.

If your doctor won’t cooperate, ERISA disability claims attorney Nancy Cavey suggests you consult a disability lawyer for a recommendation about finding another doctor who will treat you and provide assistance with you long term disability claim

For a no-obligation copy of Nancy Cavey’s must have book about long term disability claims and the mistakes you can make that will destroy your ERISA/long term disability claim, contact 727-477-3263 and ask for a copy of “Robbed of Your Peace Of Mind”.

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