What is Social Security Disability Insurance | Social Security Disability Lawyer in St. Petersburg

What is Social Security Disability Insurance | Social Security Disability Lawyer in St. Petersburg

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Did you know that Social Security Disability Insurance is a disability benefits insurance program provided by the Social Security Administration? This program offers money benefits to individuals who have worked twenty out of the last forty quarters so that they have become insured and eligible for disability payments if they become unable to work for over a year.

Social Security Disability benefits are not designed for people who have had a short-term illness that has kept them out of work less than a year. The Social Security Disability benefits are designed to provide money and health benefits after you’ve been disabled for more than two years.

If you have a medical condition that prevents you from working, you should consider applying for Social Security Disability benefits. To increase your chances of receiving benefits, Sharon Barrett, former Social Security Disability attorney, who practices Social Security Disability law in the Tampa Bay area suggests that you consider contacting her for a free, no obligation, consultation, at a $350 value, to learn about your rights to Social Security Disability benefits.

You can call Cavey and Barrett at 727-477-3263 to schedule an appointment.

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