What is a Social Security Disability Listing? | Bradenton Social Security Disability Attorney

What is a Social Security Disability Listing? | Bradenton Social Security Disability Attorney

Social Security Disability (SSD)

The Social Security Administration reviews your medical records to determine if your condition meets what is called a “Listing of Impairments.”

I like to think of the Listing of Impairments as a cookbook of disabling physical and mental conditions. Just like a cookbook, you have to meet all of the listed requirements for a particular condition to “meet a lsting”. If you don’t have each and every element, you don’t meet a listing and have to establish your entitlement to Social Security Disability benefits by a medical-vocational allowance.

If you have more than one disabling medical condtion, those conditions can be combined to determine whether or not you meet a lisitng.

This can be confusing and if you have any questions about your rights to Social Security disability benefits, you can order your free copy of Cavey and Barrett’s book, “Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits.”

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263

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