What is a Consultative Examination in a Social Security Case?

What is a Consultative Examination in a Social Security Case?


What is a Consultative Examination in a Social Security Case?

A: If your medical records don’t document your disability, a Social Security Disability examiner may schedule you for what is called a consultative exam (CE).

A consultative exam is an evaluation by a physician or psychologist, picked by Social Security to assist them in assessing your medical condition and functional limitations. If you have your own primary care doctor, it is probably better to ask Social Security to designate your doctor as the consultative exam.

If you don’t have a doctor or your doctor will not cooperate or the medical records simply don’t support your claim, we at Cavey and Barrett suggest that you attend the consulting exam. However, we think it is important that you talk with an experienced Tampa Bay, Social Security Disability attorney first so you understand what is going to happen during the consultative examination.

The consultative examination can make or break your Social Security Disability claim.

You can contact Sharon Barrett, former Social Security Disability attorney for more information on consultative examinations and the impact on your Social Security Disability claim.

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