The Truth About How Long Term Disability Carriers Try to Clean Up Their Books

The Truth About How Long Term Disability Carriers Try to Clean Up Their Books

Long Term Disability

Unfortunately, many long term disability carriers try to clean up their books every quarter just before they have to make quarterly reports to their share holders. It’s not uncommon for many long term disability policy holders to get letters stating that their long term disability benefits were denied or terminated.

If you’ve been denied long term disability benefits in Virginia or your benefits were terminate, the clock is ticking. You have 180 days to appeal the insurance companies decision to deny or terminate your benefits and many long term disability carriers are waiting for that clock to run out hoping that you won’t appeal.

Do I need a lawyer? The appeal is the crucial part of the disability claims process and if you don’t have the assistance of an experience long term disability attorney, you are handicapping your chances of winning your appeal if you end up in litigation.

Why? If you have purchased your policy through your employer, it’s more likely covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). In the ERISA world a federal judge will review the information that you submitted during your appeal to decide whether or not your claim has merit. If you don’t know how to properly appeal your ERISA denial or termination, you are putting yourself behind the eight ball. To learn more about how long term disability carriers rob you of your peace of mind, you can order your free, no obligation copy of Robbed of Your Peace of Mind.

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