The Secret to Getting Your Long Term Disability Benefits as a Result of Hearing Loss

The Secret to Getting Your Long Term Disability Benefits as a Result of Hearing Loss

Long Term Disability

Hearing loss has many causes, these can include:

  1. Heart disease
  2. Family history of hearing loss
  3. Working in a noisy environment

Hearing loss effects more than just your ability to hear, it can limit your inability to interact with family friends and co-workers. If you have a long term disability policy and suffer hearing loss, you should apply for disability benefits. While it’s not uncommon for disability carriers to provide benefits while you are going through a treatment, including cochlear implants, don’t be surprised if the long term disability carrier denies benefits after your cochlear implant on the basis that you will be able to work in an “accommodated” work setting.

That’s not the standard of disability in most policies; the standard is your inability to perform the material and substantial duties of your occupation or any occupation. The word accommodation isn’t seen anywhere in a definition of disability.

Don’t let a long term disability carrier wrongfully deny your disability benefits for hearing loss by saying that you can “be accommodated” by a return to work.

Have a Hearing Loss Long Term Disability Claim?

If your claim for disability benefits as a result of hearing loss has been denied contact Nancy Cavey cochlear implant disability attorney who can help you fight for your benefits no matter where you live in the United States.

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