Tampa Bay Social Security Disability Attorney Urges Congress to Repair the Social Security Disability Trust Fund

Tampa Bay Social Security Disability Attorney Urges Congress to Repair the Social Security Disability Trust Fund

Social Security Disability (SSD)

A Social Security Trustee’s Report recently revealed that the Social Security Disability program is projected to exhausted its Trust Fund in 2016, according to a recent article in the Washington Post.

The Social Security program is funded through worker and employer contributions through payroll tax and, legally, the plan is prohibited from running a deficit.SS_US_debt_holders

In 2010 some 8.2 million workers or 5% of the working population were receiving Social Security Disability payments.

The Social Security Administration doesn’t make it easy for those who are disabled to get their Social Security Disability benefits. If your Social Security Disability claim in the Tampa Bay area has been denied, contact Social Security Disability attorney Nancy Cavey. Filing a Request for Reconsideration with the assistance of an experienced Social Security Disability attorney can help you get the disability benefits that you deserve. You can contact Social Security Disability attorney Nancy Cavey to order your free, no obligation, copy of Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits, or arrange a no obligation 30 minute consultation.

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