Tampa Bay Area Social Security Disability Attorneys Denied Information and Listings of Impairments

Tampa Bay Area Social Security Disability Attorneys Denied Information and Listings of Impairments


As we previously explained in earlier posts the Social Security Administration uses a five step evaluation process to determine whether or not you are entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. The Social Security Administration, Step 3, determines whether or not you have an impairment.

The Social Security Administration publishes a list of impairments “Disability Evaluation under Social Security.” The listing of impairment book is blue and is commonly referred to as the “Blue Book.”

The listing of impairment Blue Book contains listings of over 100 physical and/or mental impairments recognized by the Social Security Administration to be potentially disabling.

The listing in the Blue Books are separated into the following categories:

1. Musculoskeletal System
2. Special Senses and Speech
3. Respiratory System
4. Cardiovascular System
5. Digestive System
6. Genito-Urinary System
7. Hemic and Lymphatic System
8. Skin
9. Endocrine System and Obesity
10. Neurological
11. Mental Disorders
12. Neoplastic Diseases
13. Immune System

You will find at our Social Security Blog articles regarding the listing of impairments. The listing of impairments is used to ensure that State Disability Examiners use the same set of criteria to evaluate the claim. Unfortunately, there is no uniformity within state Disability Determination Officers much less the state.

If you are considering applying for Social Security Disability benefits, I suggest that you go to, to look at the listing requirements of any physical conditions which might be the basis of your disability.

If you have any questions about whether or not your physical or mental condition is included in one of the one hundred medical physical or mental impairments recognized by the Social Security Administration to prevent you from working, contact The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey, your Tampa Bay Area Social Security Disability denied attorneys.

If you don’t meet a listing, or have multiple conditions not listed in the Social Security manual, that otherwise prevent you from preforming your past work and any other work for which you may be qualified, Social Security Disability Attorney, Nancy Cavey, will help you develop medical and vocational evidence that will help you receive Social Security Disability benefits.

The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey will help you develop solid medical evidence setting forth the nature of your problems, symptoms and how they impact you ability to perform your former occupation. For more information, please contact us for a free copy of or no-obligation Social Security book “Your Rights To Social Security Disability Benefits.”

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