Social Security Judges Ordered to Stop Deciding Disability Cases So that Managers Can Get Bonuses

Social Security Judges Ordered to Stop Deciding Disability Cases So that Managers Can Get Bonuses

Social Security Disability (SSD)

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Social Security Administration ordered judges to stop deciding disability cases so that the managers could get bonuses. As the article explains, the federal fiscal year can only have 52 weeks. Because the calendar year is a day and a quarter longer than that, every five or six years, there is a “orphan week” so, the purposes of an incentive program was put in place to speed the resolution of cases to have everything done before that week because that week doesn’t count toward their numerical targets.

Social Security Disability applicants can wait years to receive a decision. And the Social Security Administration will handle about 3,000 cases per day. Isn’t it ironic that judges were ordered to stop deciding disability cases so that manager can get bonuses while deserving Social Security Disability applicants whose benefits were denied have to wait even longer to get their Social Security Disability decision.

The Social Security Administration doesn’t make it easy for Social Security Disability applicants to get their benefits. You can learn more about your rights to Social Security Disability benefits by contact Sharon Barrett, Social Security Disability attorney in the Tampa Bay area, by calling 727.477.3263.

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