Social Security Hearing Secrets

Social Security Hearing Secrets

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Did you know that Administrative Law Judges overturn about 60% of all claim denials at the Hearing level. What happens at the hearing? You, and The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey get the opportunity to appear before an Administrative Law Judge and make you case.

Having representation such as Nancy Cavey can make every difference in your case. The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey will get from your doctor an opinion regarding what is called your residual functional capacity (RFC). Residual Functional Capacity is a fancy way of establishing what activities you are no longer able to do as a result or your disability or how you may be partially limited in your ability to stand, stoop, bend, walk.

Nancy Cavey, Social Security Disability Attorney, knows that a good RFC can help the Administrative Law Judge understand what physical and/or mental problems you have. She will present a strong argument why you should be granted disability benefits.

Most important, you get to appear face to face in front of an Administrative Law Judge, the person deciding your claim. You can answer any questions that Judge might have regarding your physical and/or mental impairment and the problems you have as a result of your difficulties.

At The Law Offices of Nancy L. Cavey, the Tampa Bay/ St. Petersburg Social Security Law Firm, we fully prepare you for a hearing in front of the Administrative Law Judge so that your case is presented to the Judge in it’s strongest possible form.

For a free Social Security Disability consultation contact Nancy Cavey at 727-477-3263, Or Click Here for a FREE copy of “Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits.”

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