Social Security Disability Applications Rejected Every Year | Port Richey Social Security Disability Lawyer

Social Security Disability Applications Rejected Every Year | Port Richey Social Security Disability Lawyer

Social Security Disability (SSD)

Over 2.5 million applications for Social Security Disability benefits are rejected by the Social Security Administration every year. Your initial application for disability insurance is reviewed at the state level and statistics show that over 90% of these claims are rejected at the initial level and at the Request for Reconsideration level. To increase your chances of success at the hearing stage, Port Richey Social Security Disability benefits denied Lawyer Sharon Barrett, recommends that you obtain legal representation in your Social Security Disability claim.

The Social Security Administration sets a standard attorney fee rates at 25% of the back benefits awarded or $6,300 whichever is smaller. Obtaining the services of a Social Security Disability Lawyer, like Sharon Barrett, who practices in the New Port Richey, Port Richey and Hudson area is affordable.

To schedule your free no obligation, consultation, at a $350 value, you can contact Social Security Disability Lawyer, Sharon Barrett, at 727-477-3263.

If the phone lines at Cavey and Barrett are busy, keep trying so that you can schedule your free, no obligation, consultation with Social Security Disability Lawyer Sharon Barrett.

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