Social Security Disability Applicant With Diabetes: Getting The Cooperation And Assistance From Your Doctor

Social Security Disability Applicant With Diabetes: Getting The Cooperation And Assistance From Your Doctor

Social Security Disability (SSD)

It’s crucial that your doctor support your claim for Social Security disability benefits.  You should lay the ground work with your physician as quickly as possible as that is the key to getting the disability benefits that you deserve.

You should tell your doctor the symptoms you have as a result of your medical condition.  The more problems that you have functioning as a result of those symptoms the better.

You or your attorney should give your doctor a Diabetes Residual Functional Capacity form to complete.  The Residual Functional Capacity form that will address the following:

  1. The objective basis of the diabetes diagnosis,
  2. The complications of diabetes,
  3. What impact your diabetes has on your ability to sit, stand, walk, bend, or lift,
  4. Whether your diabetes causes you problems with concentration and pace,
  5. Whether your diabetes would result in absenteeism, and
  6. Whether you would have to take unscheduled breaks.

If your physician doesn’t support your claim, it’s time to find a new physician and hire a Social Security disability attorney who will help you get the disability benefits that you deserve.

The Secret To Completing A Residual Functional Capacity Disability Form

As an experienced social security disability attorney, I have found that having my client’s give their doctor a complete history of their symptoms, not only helps their doctor complete Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) form but also prepares my client for a hearing.

I’ve developed a Symptom and Functionality form that I ask my clients to complete and present to their doctors so that the doctor is aware of the impact their symptoms have on their ability to do the activities of daily living.

You should list your medical and psychological impairments and list how these impairments impact your ability to function.  Don’t forget to include the side effects of medication!

What Should I Do If My Social Security Disability Diabetes Claim Has Been Denied In the Tampa Bay Area?

It’s time for you to call Social Security Disability attorney, Nancy L. Cavey, who can help you get the Social Security disability benefits that you deserve regardless of where you live in the Tampa Bay area.

Call today at 727-477-3263 for a complimentary consultation.

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