The Social Security Administration’s Secret About How Long You Have To Work Before You Can Be Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits

The Social Security Administration’s Secret About How Long You Have To Work Before You Can Be Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability (SSD)

As a requirement for becoming insured for Social Security Disability purposed you have to have worked a certain number of quarters in a certain period of time to be insured.

Why Is My Age Important For Social Security Disability?

The number of years you have to have worked to become insured depends on your age. Here are the number of years of work that are required to be eligible for Social Security Disability:

Disabled Age: Number of Years of Worked
Before 28 1.5
Before 30 2
Before 34 3
Before 38 4
Before 42 5
Before 44 5.5
Before 46 6
Before 48 6.5
Before 50 7
Before 52 7.5
Before 54 8
Before 56 8.5
Before 58 9
Before 60 9.5


Isn’t this complicated? It gets worse! You have to have worked these years in a certain period of time.

If you become disabled: You will need to have worked:
Before age 24 1.5 years of work during the three-year period ending with the quarter you became disabled.
After age 24 but before age 31 You will need to have worked during half of the time for the period beginning with the quarter after you turned 21 and ending with the quarter you became disabled.
In the quarter that you turn 31 and older You will generally need to have worked five years out of the 10-year period ending with the quarter you became disabled.


So becoming insured depends on your age, the number of years worked and the period you worked.

What You Need To Know

You owe it to yourself to learn more about your eligibility about your Social Security Disability benefits and whether you meet the earnings requirement before you stop working and apply for Social Security Disability benefits.

Call today at 727-477-3263 for your complimentary consultation.


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