Social Security Administration Recognizes a Need to Get Your Medical Records to Make a Timely Decision on Your Claim for Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Administration Recognizes a Need to Get Your Medical Records to Make a Timely Decision on Your Claim for Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability (SSD)

When you apply for Social Security Disability benefits the Social Security Administration will obtain a copy of your medical records from your physician. The longer it takes to get those medical records, the longer it will take for the Social Security Administration to make a decision on your Social Security claim.

Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue has reached an agreement with EHR Doctors to deliver electronic health records to the Social Security Administration so that they can quickly review Social Security Disability claims. Commissioner Astrue was quoted as saying that this technology “will improve our disability programs and provide better service to the public.  The use of Health IT will dramatically improve the speed, accuracy and efficiency of this process, reducing the cost of making a disability decision for both the medical community and the American Tax Payer.”

We, at Cavey and Barrett are glad the Social Security Administration has entered into a contract with the ERH Doctors and we hope that this critical technology will speed up the delivery of medical records to the Social Security Administration so that they can make a timely decision on Social Security Disability claims.

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