Social Security Administration May Appoint A Representative Payee In Your Social Security Disability Case

Social Security Administration May Appoint A Representative Payee In Your Social Security Disability Case

Social Security Disability (SSD)

If the Social Security Administration (SSA) determines that a beneficiary is unable to handle their own funds, SSA will appoint a representative payee, who will receive the funds on behalf of the beneficiary.

The representative payee will act as a trustee over the funds and is supposed to make sure that the funds are used solely for the immediate and foreseeable needs of the beneficiary.  Any remaining benefits are to be conserved or invested by the representative payee pursuant to the rules.

However, when a beneficiary becomes capable of handling their own funds, they are no longer in need of a representative payee.  The payee is supposed to send any conserved or invested funds back to SSA, who will in turn re-certify the funds directly to the disabled beneficiary.

It’s not uncommon for SSA to appoint a representative if the disabled beneficiary has mental or cognitive problems.

What Should I Do If My Social Security Disability Case Has Been Denied

You can learn more about your rights to Social Security Disability benefits by contacting Social Security Disability Attorney, Nancy Cavey who can help you get the Social Security benefits that you deserve.  Call today at 727-477-3263.

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