Six Most Common Reasons for Disability Insurance Policy Denials

Six Most Common Reasons for Disability Insurance Policy Denials

Long Term Disability

You should protect your income, particularly if you are a small business owner or a professional like a doctor, lawyer or dentist. Before you apply for disability insurance policies, you should know the six most common reasons for your disability insurance carrier to say no to your disability application and refuse to cover you. These include:

  1. Your health, age or build
  2. High risk or uninsurable job
  3. Self- employment where you work out of the home.
  4. Working oversees
  5. Too much existing disability insurance coverage
  6. Not enough income

If your disability application has been denied, you should sit down and have a conference with your agent to learn the reason and alternative insurance carriers that will consider your disability application. Give our Boston Mutual disability claims lawyer a call today if your insurance carrier has denied your claim.

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