Secret Tip for Winning Your Social Security Disability Claim | St. Petersburg/Tampa Bay Area

Secret Tip for Winning Your Social Security Disability Claim | St. Petersburg/Tampa Bay Area

Social Security Disability (SSD)

To be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits, you have to have medical evidence. That includes evidence of your physical and/or mental problems and your functional restrictions and limitations. Your complaints of pain are not good enough for the Administrative Law Judge to award Social Security Disability benefits. Therefore, at Cavey and Barrett, your St. Petersburg Social Security Disability benefits lawyers, we suggest that you regularly treat with a physician to establish your physical and/or psychiatric impairment and restrictions and limitations. If you have lost your medical insurance, we suggest you seek out a county facility or free clinic for treatment. For example, in St. Petersburg, FL some of our clients seek treatment throught the Pinellas County Health Department or the local Community Health Center of Pinellas County. For more information regarding required medical evidence please contact us at Cavey & Barrett for free copy of our no-obligation Social Security book “Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits.”


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