No. 8 – Psychological Disability And Long-Term Disability Claims

No. 8 – Psychological Disability And Long-Term Disability Claims


Unfortunately, long-term disability carriers routinely use companies such as PSY BAR to review long-term disability/ERISA claims involving psychiatric conditions.

I recently reviewed PSY BAR’s website and noted that they offer online courses to adjusters and IME doctors.

One of the courses, “Psychological and Psychiatric Assessment of Individuals for Disability Insurers,” actually teaches “independent medical doctors” what the long-term disability insurance company’s expectations are and how to meet those expectations in an ethical manner.

Interestingly enough, this course identifies what PSY BAR believes to be “common IME errors:”

“ERROR NO. 1 – Confusing the needs of the disability carrier with other kinds of coverage including medical, workers’ compensation, and Social Security.”

ERROR NO. 2 – Confusing diagnosis with limitations in functioning.

ERROR NO. 3 – Confusing symptoms with limitations in functioning.

ERROR NO. 4 – Assuming the role of a treating doctor.

ERROR NO. 5 – Interpreting measures of personality and mood as measures of functional capability.

ERROR NO. 6 – Making conclusions about functional problems caused by physical illness.”

I am sure that long-term disability carriers are looking for reasons to deny claims involving psychiatric conditions and will look for these errors in your treating physician’s records. If you have any questions regarding your long-term disability claim or need assistance, contact experienced long-term disability/ERISA disability attorney Nancy Cavey, based in Hillsboro and Pinelas Counties.

Answering these broad-based questions isn’t easy. Help is a phone call away. You can contact Nancy Cavey, an experienced long-term disability attorney at 727-477-3263.

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